Broken Pieces

Author Interview – Deidre D Havrelock @deidrehavrelock

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Image of Deidre Havrelock

If someone wrote a book about your life, what would the title be?

That’s easy, Saving Mary: The Possession and The Deliverance. I became a Christian during my exorcism.

How did you come up with the title of your book?

When I first began writing, I called the manuscript The Testimony. But a year or two into it, it became obvious that there were two books stuck in there together. A few more months later and I had three books. It just seemed natural to call them Studying…The Testimony, Living…The Testimony and Preparing…The Testimony.

If you pick up Studying…The Testimony, you are going to get a pretty deep study regarding the testimony of Jesus. If you pick up Living…The Testimony, you are going to read about how to mix life with the testimony of Jesus. If you pick up Preparing…The Testimony, then I’ve inspired you to write your own testimony.

I called my spiritual memoir Saving Mary: The Possession because just after my exorcism my boyfriend convinced me to go to a Bible study. I had already decided, by this time, that I would keep my possession and exorcism a secret. (It seemed all just a bit too strange to talk about.) During the Bible study, however, BAM! A woman caught me off guard. She came up to me at the end of the study and told me that God spoke to her. “God told me to tell you that you remind him of Mary Magdalene—the woman from whom Jesus cast out seven demons.”

It seemed that I wanted to keep my life a secret, but God didn’t get my memo!  I didn’t go to another Bible study for over a year after that. Those prophetic people, you can always count on them to spice things up!

Are there any surprises in your book?

At the end of the first two books in The Testimony series, I’ve included an appendix. The first appendix is on the subject of hell. When I write a Bible study, I don’t tell everyone what I already know. Instead, I dive into a subject and find out what I didn’t know. I was shocked by what I found out about hell. I mean, some of it we know—but when you put the whole story together, it’s mind-blowing. You start to wonder, “Why is no one teaching this?” …And you sort of feel like you’ve been cheated.

The appendix at the end of Living…The Testimony is about the Sabbath Rest. It’s something every Christian should know, but unfortunately we don’t. I’ve tried to make the appendix as easy to understand as possible…I think I succeeded.

Give us a glimpse into a typical day in your day starting when you wake up till you lie down again.

My day is pretty boring. I get up and I pray…I then make coffee. I then crawl back into bed and either read a book or answer emails. At that point my husband leaves for work. Then I wake the kids up and get them some breakfast: yogurt, cereal and fruit. I then read some more or answer emails. I then tell my kids to get dressed. I then make lunches. (Bored yet?) I get a fresh coffee and read or answer emails. I then remind my kids to brush their teeth, and then I get the kids out the door so they can catch their rides to school. I then jump in the shower and then I work. Work entails: reading, answering emails, writing, editing, marketing, blogging, filing. I do this for the next five hours then I jump in my car and rush to begin the cycle of picking up kids and getting them to soccer, basketball or softball. When I get home, I feed everyone some kind of food I’ve managed to scrape together. Then me and my hubby go for a walk and talk about going on vacation to Greece. This is where I am right now in my life. I love being with my family.

What’s your favorite season/weather?

I like summer because I can go back to Canada to visit family. I like hot weather with a cold coffee or a Coke, which my mom says I should stop drinking because it rots my gut. (But I don’t want to stop drinking it, and I’m not going to stop using my microwave either, which Mom tells me will change the chemical structure of my food. She also says not to eat expired cake mix, but I can’t remember why.)

Living the testimony

We testify in accordance with what we know and have experienced.

…It’s time to learn and experience more!

The first book in this thought-provoking series explained how testimony relates to the Bible; this book will help you understand how testimony relates to living. Living…The Testimony will not only encourage Christians to reflect on who they believe Jesus to be (and why they choose to believe this), but it will also correct current misconstrued ideas as to what the Christian testimony is all about.

- a testimony is not about church;

- a testimony is not about God;

- a testimony is not about faith in general terms;

- this book contains numerous testimonies that will strengthen your faith in Jesus.

A strong Christian testimony is one that continually grows in the knowledge of Jesus, continually shares that knowledge boldly, while at the same time performs good works based on Jesus’ teaching of love—all while abstaining from works of darkness.

Because a biblical testimony deals not only with our belief system, but also with the way we conduct our whole lives, our Christian testimony becomes our most valuable asset. It is life itself.

Buy Now @ Amazon

Genre – Christian Living

Rating – G

More details about the author

Connect with Deidre Havrelock on Twitter
